Aside from rental or mortgage payments, monthly food bills are among the biggest expenses faced by most families. Obviously, fixed expenses such as mortgage or rent offer little opportunity or room for cutting back, but more variable ones such as food do offer some leeway.
There are a number of ways that you can cut back on your monthly food bill. Here a few basic saving tips to get you started.
Shop in season
Seasonal food items are often featured by your local grocer at great prices. You can plan your weekly menus around these items and save more money.
Clip coupons
Each Sunday paper includes coupons for discounts on many of the items that you buy anyway. Nearly all grocers now offer double coupon deals, which can save you even more. Get the whole family involved in clipping coupons for grocery savings. Older children will appreciate this tangible way to contribute around the house while younger children can improve fine motor skills and help out at the same time.
Consider buying in bulk
For non perishable items such as paper towel, tissue and light bulbs you can’t beat bulk. Understand your family’s needs before you head to the warehouse though, buying items in bulk that you will not be able to use will not save any money in the long term.
Make a weekly menu and stick to it
Lack of planning often results in over spending. You know the routine, you have no dinner plan so you run into the grocery store and spend more than you planned or order pizza or another take out meal that is overpriced. Gather the family together to decide what you would like to eat for the week. Help the process along by consulting the weekly food section if your local newspaper carries one. This section will list foods that are in season and priced well for the week. It should also include some money saving recipes.
Go vegetarian
No need for meat and potatoes every night. One or two evening meals each week might feature meatless meals such as a pot of soup with biscuits, vegetable plates or even homemade pizza. Make preparing dinner a bonding event by making your own pizza dough together as a family. If you don’t want to go vegetarian you could even try breakfast for dinner. Many families are so busy that it is rare to enjoy a morning meal together. Why not enjoy the pancakes or waffles everyone loves so much for dinner. Or you could serve eggs and potatoes, both very reasonably priced items that are easy on even the tightest budgets.
Make a list and stick to it
Grocers employ various tricks to get you to spend more of your money. Keep to your budget by making and sticking to a grocery list.
Variable expenses such as grocery bills offer great opportunities to extend your household dollars. You can cut your grocery bill significantly with just a little planning. Clip coupons, plan menus and make grocery lists to get this variable expense under control.